Friday, October 12, 2012


We had resident porcupine.
Yesterday the dogs continually went under this pine tree located next to the shed.  I looked up and there was our porcupine.  It was there all day and into the evening.  I made mental note not to let the dogs out the east porch door, the side where the porcupine was.  That was five this morning.  However, by nine this morning I forgot, and let Perl and Sunshine out through the down stairs door. This gave them direct access to the porcupine.  I hear Sunshine barking and then remembered.  She had found the porcupine on the ground hunkered down in cave in the boulders.  Pearl came running and I called frantically for the two girls to come.  Neither has ever seen porcupine before. Pearl stopped short and cowered to the ground as if she were scolded, I felt bad.  The two girls came when called and I put them in the house.  Thankfully no porcupine encounter with the dogs.
I decided it was time for our friend to move on.  I took n empty trash can, shovel and encouraged the critter to turn round; it hadn’t budged and was waiting out the commotion.  It turned to run, waddle, way but got hung up in brambles making it easier for me to catch it.  I placed the ash can on its side and it scurried right in, and then I flipped up the can, placed it in the back of the car, and drove it off to an empty barn several miles way (actually where I used to live). It was happy ending.

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