Friday, April 20, 2018

Pearl and Grace

Squirrel and bird watching and relax.

Zoe Come for Sleep Over

Things always get a bit rowdy when Zoe comes (Willow Sunshine sister)

 Zoe/Willow Snshine, Grace/Halo with toy

 Willow Sunshine/Zoe

Monday, April 16, 2018

What's in Front of Your Woodstove


     Patiently they wait to go out again.  It's that time of day, late afternoon. 
I procrastinate. We are going to get wet. 

 Splash, Luna, Halo, Pearl

      Splash, Luna, Halo, Pearl, Willow Sunshine, Cleo on my lap

     Weather still tosses about.  Snowflakes have transformed into rain drops. It gives the illusion air is warming, but wind  makes temperature feel cold.  It is a cold and damp day. Plain and simple. It's a befuddled day of mixed up weather. Winter wrestles Spring.  She doesn't want to give in just yet.

Luna and Pearl


Winter - Still Here - And Canines Celebrate

They can't wait to get outside.  JOY.

April Winter: 
The roads were to snowy, so I had to walk to the barn this morning. The dogs looked longingly as I departed, and disappeared down the driveway. In truth. I wanted to stay with them, or have them join me.  When I returned home (I got a ride) they burst out the kitchen door, and took off in all directions. Chasing snow flakes, spinning, twirling, hurling themselves at one another. 

They Cheered.  

Winter is STILL here!  
you tube video:

And then they crash.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Walk with Pearl, Bode and Gemma

     Met up with Karen and Gemma/Pumpkin for a walk with Pearl and Bode/Casper.  Brother and Sister from Pearl's 2014 litter with Link (Chucklebrook Bobolink by Jayhawk).

 Pearl, Bode, Gemma




 Bode, Gemma, and Pearl up front

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Luna and Bode visit for a week

It's a family reunion 

Luna (Willow Sunshine and Cleo's sister - Luna is the singleton out of Nash and Pearl). Bode out of Pearl and Link, he has a striking resemblance to pearl.   All are settling after a rash of romping and getting to know one another.  Willow Sunshine seems to have taken the role of disciplinarian.  Telling those who are too out of control to settle.  She also likes to Flirt with Bode (we will over look they are half siblings).  It's funny, no one batted an eye when Splash the lamb came bounding out the door. 

 Cleo and Grace

You Tube Video:

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April 1st - Cleo Visits for a Month while Izzy and Sam Visit

 Izzy, Halo, Sam (black lab)

     Most of the snow has melted.  What remains is wet packing snow in patches.  The dogs celebrate in leaps and bounds of the coming spring, and continue to seek out those meager patches of snow.  One last winter roll.  Then it's onto swimming! 

 Izzy, Pearl, Sam, Cleo

 The Chase

 First swim of the year in our little "pond" behind the house.  No photos, but here is Pearl demanding the biscuits in my pocket.


Family photos - can't pass up those.
Rock: Cleo, Willow Sunshine, Grace, Halo - Bench: Pearl 

Two Pair of Sisters:
 Cleo & Willow Sunshine(center) Grace & Halo (either end)

 Sisters - Cleo and Willow Sunshine

 Nieces with Auntie Cleo 


Enjoy the Light.