Another fantastic week in Maine alone with Nash (15 years), Pearl (6 years), and Willow Sunshine (3 1/2 years). We didn't skip a beat, and fell right into our routine. Nash made the walk from he boat house to the cottage, and daily walks to the point. He found his usual comfortable position under the pine tree, and would bark when he wanted us to come back from our foray on the rocks. Pearl, drawn to the ocean shore, immediately took to her exploration, and Willow Sunshine followed right behind. In addition, the two girls foraged for rodent homes, Nash even partook in one hunt.
Many wild animal signs this trip. As we departed, before even leaving Hancock, a beautiful fox trotted across our path. It stopped roadside and we both stared at one another for some time. Then it trotted on. A humming bird came buzzing through the porch when while we were basking, hovered for several moments, and then zipped off across the ocean. Deer, several deer encounters. This was a first. Rarely, if ever have I seen a deer in the Narrows. They are there, but seem more abundant - for now. I think one walked through the yard one night, as all the dogs went ballistic. One spotted going to town, and another began to walk down the path to the cottage. Pearl sighted this one, it froze and bound off into the thick woods.