Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Nash at 15 years and 4 Months


When I look at my old boy I wonder, where did that youngster go?  I recall, sometime a while ago, saying, "I can't imagine Nash old."






When I look at my boy I see, in the far off reaches of memory, a rambunctious boy.  The one who would counter surf, chew only the items I last touched before I left the house, and  stump hunt with a vengeance with his mother - Willow.  I have visions of him, as he sails over agility obstacles with ease, rolls in tunnels, pulls me on the end of a leash like a balloon.  How he loved to swim, and dive from rocks.

 2001  Theia, Nash, Willow


 2000, Nash - Willow


When I look at my old boy I picture that first time he retrieved a bird.  With a long tongue dangling from his mouth, and spark in his eyes, he said to me " Why have you been keeping this from me!  This is the best thing ever!"  The trainer wanted to keep him for himself. We dabbled a little in the retrieving world, until I couldn't stand the killing of birds.  Instead we went stump hunting - where Willow n Nash would ravage stumps for pesky rodents.

When I look at myold boy, who is sound asleep under a down comforter by my side, I feel the warmth he shared his entire life with is mother - Willow. She was always by his side until the day she died. Distraught at her passing, even he retched with grief.  We made it through, the two of us.  His solid warm body something to hold. Willow Had the cleanest ears, which were quite often wrinkled with wet saliva. Nash only suckled Willow's ears, until his daughter Willow Sunshine came along.  True affection.






Nash, finally, after years of trying on his own, sired 10 offspring with Pearl.  He was eleven years old by then, and now soon to be a grand sire. Many of those pups remain in my life, a gift.  Nash you are Willow's gift to me.  His birth traumatic, we didn't think he would survive. His lust for Life and Desire to Live brought him around. 

 2008 with Willow





When I hug my old by, I say "please, more time, just a little more time... we aren't done swimming in our lakes, traveling to Maine,  walking through fields of joy,  and everything this side of the rainbow."

 2015 with Luna (his last offspring)

 2012 Willow Sunshine

 2011 his first litter sired 


 2011 with Pearl, Nash, Willow (15 years old)

2011 - Hunts pond with Willow

 2009 - before getting Pearl 



I love my boy.














 2009 - One of my favorite of the two.
On we go...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Seven Days in Maine 2015

August 22nd to August 28th

Another fantastic week in Maine alone with Nash (15 years), Pearl (6 years), and Willow Sunshine (3 1/2 years).  We didn't skip a beat, and fell right into our routine.  Nash made the walk from he boat house to the cottage, and daily walks to the  point.  He found his usual comfortable position under the pine tree, and would bark when he wanted us to come back from our foray on the rocks.  Pearl, drawn to the ocean shore, immediately took to her exploration, and Willow Sunshine followed right behind. In addition, the two girls foraged for rodent homes, Nash even partook in one hunt.

Many wild animal signs this trip.  As we departed, before even leaving Hancock, a beautiful fox trotted across our path.  It stopped roadside and we both stared at one another for some time. Then it trotted on.  A humming bird came buzzing through the porch when while we were basking, hovered for several moments, and then zipped off across the ocean.  Deer,  several deer encounters. This was a first.  Rarely, if ever have I seen a deer in the Narrows. They are there, but seem more abundant - for now.  I think one walked through the yard one night, as all the dogs went ballistic.  One spotted going to town, and another began to walk down the path to the cottage.  Pearl sighted this one, it froze and bound off into the thick woods.

Calm sea, beautiful weather, rain, fog, gentle breeze, lobster boats, seagulls, lobster dinner, herons, loons, and time with my dogs.  What could be better.  A twinge of sadness before departing home - I never know what trip will be Nash's last.  I suppose, her isn't thinking that, so why should I.  Simply enjoy the moment.