Pearl goes for an xray on April 2nd to see how many puppies. Compared to her last litter, she is no where near as large at this time. I am thinking she isn't going to have 9 this time. There are bodies in there, I hope that is plural.
We only one successful AI. The snow storm prevented a second visit to the vet for the second AI. We had two days of natural breeding with no tie.
Pearl clearly still has a bit of a figure. Right now she just looks like a FAT labrador. OH- and my whelping pool - it's inaccessible due to three feet of snow - I thought when I stored it, I would have NO PROBLEM getting to it in the spring. HA! The joke is on me. I am hoping Walmart is getting a jump on spring and summer activities.
Stay tuned...
Photos of 2011 pregnancy at 50 days - she had 9 puppies.