Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sleeping Dogs

Tibby Sleeping, It is getting to the point where I can not tell the difference between Tibby and Pearl - they are near identical.  Willow Sunshine's feet :)


 Tibby, Willow Sunshine
 Willow Sunshine
Wilow Sunshine

Leirion (My Niece) and Tibby

Monday, October 22, 2012

Damon with Ducks and on a Walk

Thank you Cheryl for these photos
Damon 10 Months old with Duck and Goose
On a walk with Jen, and Ripply

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Artistic dog photos

Artistic dog photos: Yesterday it was reining and the dogs needed walk.  I also wanted to get photos of Cleo t 10 Months.  This was impossible since none of the dogs would sty still long enough, instead I came up with these interesting shots.

I believe the white specs in some of the photos re reflections of the flash in rain drops (or perhaps Orbs). No Dogs were injured during the photo shoot. 



Thursday, October 18, 2012

Maya, Sage, Willow Sunshine, Rugby



 Sage, Willow Sunshine - Rugby

 Maya, Willow Sunshine

 Sage, Willow Sunshine

Maya, Willow Sunshine

Maya, Diane 

Friday, October 12, 2012


We had resident porcupine.
Yesterday the dogs continually went under this pine tree located next to the shed.  I looked up and there was our porcupine.  It was there all day and into the evening.  I made mental note not to let the dogs out the east porch door, the side where the porcupine was.  That was five this morning.  However, by nine this morning I forgot, and let Perl and Sunshine out through the down stairs door. This gave them direct access to the porcupine.  I hear Sunshine barking and then remembered.  She had found the porcupine on the ground hunkered down in cave in the boulders.  Pearl came running and I called frantically for the two girls to come.  Neither has ever seen porcupine before. Pearl stopped short and cowered to the ground as if she were scolded, I felt bad.  The two girls came when called and I put them in the house.  Thankfully no porcupine encounter with the dogs.
I decided it was time for our friend to move on.  I took n empty trash can, shovel and encouraged the critter to turn round; it hadn’t budged and was waiting out the commotion.  It turned to run, waddle, way but got hung up in brambles making it easier for me to catch it.  I placed the ash can on its side and it scurried right in, and then I flipped up the can, placed it in the back of the car, and drove it off to an empty barn several miles way (actually where I used to live). It was happy ending.

Sunday, October 7, 2012



10 Months old - The Entire Family!

 Willow Sunshine




(Photo of his Predecessors/ancestors in the background - Daly and Denver)

 Damon  had his first successful duck hunt with his owner a few weeks ago, where Damon retrieved his first real duck :)



I love the tongue!




And Last but certain not Least...


And now ...

Momma Pearl


Thank you everyone for your photo contributions.